We pride ourselves on offering the flexibility and support that parents and caregivers need in order to balance their personal and professional lives. Our benefits include generous paid maternity and paternity leave, flexible and part-time working plus, crucially, a culture of care and understanding that family should always come first.
Many of our team are parents with children spanning a variety of ages, so to celebrate the Global Day of Parents, we spoke to a few of them to hear about their experiences of juggling parenthood and work here at Intuita.
Luke Main, Principal Visualisation Consultant
I know it’s a cliché to say that working at Intuita is like being part of a family, but having become a parent while working here, it certainly feels that way. The flexible working style which has become the norm is so helpful especially in those early days. Personally I like to work a few days each week in the office and some at home to appreciate the different aspects of each. It’s great to be around to help out at home and there are other times when the office has – let’s say – fewer distractions. Everyone is always asking after my son, probably more than they ask about me, but that’s fine! I even had a request from a client recently to bring him onto the video call to say hi.
Suz Norman, Recruitment Partner
Looking at how to carefully balance work/home life is a must for us ALL nowadays – as a parent it does become the lynch-pin on which everything else then slots in around and is ever changing as children go through life. To find a company that just ‘gets this’ without even asking or working too hard at it is like gold dust. Having worked somewhere for 8 years where this worked beautifully, I feel so very lucky to have found this culture and understanding a second time around within Intuita. No questions are asked, we come and go(within reason!) and work fluidly within our different roles as the trusted adults we all are – using a variety of tools to communicate and work across the business which suits us as individuals, parents or not. I can work around the demands of Mummy Taxi, school runs and the various concerts & school plays, sickness bugs or playground football injuries! I’m proud to say within Intuita I can maintain my 100% school attendance!
Jemma Hewitt, Data Delivery Director
I recently read this Forbes article about research which finds that 23% of working mothers say they have been passed over for a promotion because they have children, 41% of employed Americans perceive working mums to be less devoted to their work, and a third judged them for needing a more flexible schedule. As a proud hardworking mum of two young boys aged two and four, I have never felt more opposed to this notion. I work hard to be a role model for my children, not as a woman but as a parent who they look up to. I adore my children and work part-time to ensure I create a balance in my life both personally and professionally to be the best version of myself. I have never felt anything but supported in my decisions to be a mother and balance a senior leadership role. I see Intuita as an extension of my family, a support network and a cheerleader.
Maddi Robinson, Recruitment Manager
I am incredibly proud to work for Intuita, a company that offers and supports flexible working, not just talks about it. Intuita is a company where you are purely judged on what you produce, not when and where you did the work. Thanks to this approach to flexible working, I can juggle 2 children as well as a career. In the last year I have propelled my career forward more than I ever have.